Illiannaval - Pendulum and Mayan Astrology

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Illiannaval - Pendulum and Mayan Astrology in Heist-op-den-Berg

Have a chat with Illiannaval - Pendulum and Mayan Astrology in Heist-op-den-Berg today. 20-25 years of experience in Mayan Astrology. The Star child has assisted 3760 people. .... . Five star ratings. Please read my reviews! I was born with empathy, I am a Star child, Star children are children who have been sent here from all areas of the universe to help the earth and the people on it. I possess psychic, spiritual, and other extra sensory abilities. Star children will bring peace, topple corrupt systems, and shift dimensional consciousness in the years to come. They have come here on special assignment to assist in this rebirth into a higher dimensional earth. Star children are different, thank God. As of now, our Star children have been divided into three categories: Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow. Star children have chosen specific parents who will help them develop their natural abilities. We are here to help the earth. I have a grandson who picked me and he is terribly gifted. The most wonderful aspect of Star children is their willingness to take on the world and learn to make their own way through it. Star children will get to the point where they are able to mold society into something that reflects their energies and values. The truth that they hold and defend so well will reflect their integrity and spirituality. I am a light worker and believe all have abilities they just need to learn how to tap into them. No matter what you are going through I am here to assist you in ways i can through guiding you with the messages from spirit. I was taken from my bio family and a Judge closed the records so they could never be disclosed. I was given up for adoption at an early age and separated by a twin, my grandmother was from Austria, and immigrated to the Canadian West as a young child, she was my spark in life, she gave me courage and strength to guide me through the "contracted" steps I would take in life. This is my last life her, and I must have been out of my mind to decide to fix "all this karma" She is with me everyday, and helps me assist you. As a child, I had recurrent nightmares, (or so I thought), of being abandoned, kidnapped and in all,my paternal grandfather was always there to save me. What brought me to enlightenment, was the night he died, he came to me in a "orb" just his face, and told me, "you never have to worry about your dream again, I will always be here for you, but I am leaving now, but leave you with love". I had never shared the dream with anyone! When my father came to tell me of his demise, I told him "I know he is gone, but he came to me before he left". Some time later on,my deceased aunt, Lidia, came to me, in a tarot reading which was taped and all you could hear were Indian drums, covering the Psychic's reading. The only message was "I and my father are with you, I died of a bad heart and never could say goodbye". When I told my father, and made him listen to his sister, my father's response was, his sister had died of valve failure at 27, he said it was her voice he heard. My maternal grandmother, Mary, was instrumental in breaking through the veil of doubt, that I experienced with regard to Spiritual Awakening, upon her death, there was just the two of us in the room, speaking to one another, through telepathy and eye contact (my grandmother was in coma), after her demise,I thought my heart had broken in two, I spoke to Archangel Michael, and in fact gave him crap, for taking my heart away, "Archangel Michael replied to her, "she is never far from you, we give guidance and protection and she will always be with you, but her work with you is done, it is time for you to carry it forward". Whenever, through life's most trying times I get upset or burdened, my grandmother would touch my shoulder ever so lightly, and I would hear the words "you can do this". In November of 2009, I was flying to the B.C. mountains, for a spiritual retreat, the plane flew over my gran's town, where she had immigrated, I felt turbulence on the plane, and thought, here we go again, I finally found what I was looking for, and now you are going to crash the plane!. Just then I saw Archangel Michael on the wing, and her grandmother beside him doing the "happy dance". My grandmother was an invalid! The plane's turbulence stopped! I am a natural born empath, healer, tarot reader and channel Spirit, for the planet, and for YOU. I am guided to teach and prepare people for their individual opening and different light stages and leaves you with this message..... YOU are multi-dimensional! If you could truly see the bigger picture of how YOU are just one aspect of one part of who YOU are here. If YOU could only see what has been done for YOU, what continues to be done, and if YOU could only see how loved and cared for YOU really are. It is challenging to see these things when YOU are locked in our own dark closet of perception. Today is a day for you to ponder your mystery. Believe the Universe only wants the best for, and welcome 2012, the Maya Prophecy, where ALL will come to enlightenment. Let me help YOU find the key and use it to let yourself out. YOU are only locked in if you believe YOU are. YOU are only a prisoner of your own ideas of limitation and the way things seem to YOU if YOU firmly believe whatever it is to be true. Let me be your lighthouse.... I am willing to open your lantern with YOU in love, light and hope. Love and light and blessings to you, the first day, of NO MORE LIMITATIONS, the Universe is waiting to hear from you, and the Angels are doing the "happy dance" bringing you to this site. Love light and blessings, contact me lets start working on the world the universe has for you!..... Life is all about intent and what you want for yourself, the universe will oblige you but I will show you how to ask so that you receive what you truly want, there is a vast difference in learning how to do this. All of your spirits and family members from the other side are here to assist you and want to help you to get back on your lighted path |I will channel this information for you. Just take that first step so that you move into the light and start living the life you predestined for yourself and life will start to be abundant for you. Let me assist you... I love to help my spiritual brothers and sisters. What if we took a closer look, what if we found compassion in our hearts, what if we made peace our future plan. It's one love for the planet, its a powerful love, one love for you and me, its time for a change, one love for you and I. All over the World, people will crystallize.... What if we find peace of mind and never went to war again, what if we made peace our plan, we've got to try to realize the world is getting smaller everyday, right now its time for a change. Just sharing time and energies is all that the Universe asks of us. The Law of Attraction aids us by what we do, when you show love and joy to others, you get it back tenfold. I wish to personally thank all of you, for the opportunity of sharing. CHAT RULES: 1. I will ABSOLUTELY not tolerate disrespect in my chat room. 2. I will ABSOLUTELY not allow you to stay in chat if you come in with a name that doesn't come from a place of love. 3. When you enter, you will be greeted, please DO NOT post questions in my room, and enter quietly in case Spirit is relaying a message to a member. Please remember it is called "FREE CHAT" it is not "FREE READINGS". There is far too much energy in my room to offer free readings. Take me to "PRIVATE". Silliness, Seattle: I have come to her in free chat.... a true confession (under a couple of different names) it was not to test anyone. It was more due to problems with the site it's self. Yet, every time I went to her ...she said almost the exact thing. This time I said she not only deserves my support, but I deserve to go to someone that honestly and truly cares about people. I gave myself a gift and she gave me one. Spot on in everything and all I told her were our names. I love her spirit!!! Stephen7241967, Alameda: Very insightful as always. EXCELLENT! Tara_mcm, Baltimore: So comforting and wonderful. When I need to talk and just figure out life, I look to Marla. She not only is a friend, but she gives you solid guidance. I love you, Marla! Thanya, USA: Thanks for all the advices! Vivienne, SF: Thank you Marla as always. So so good. Wonderfulriggs, PA: She made my whole body be a peace i cannot express how comfortable and at peace i felt when i left - thank you from the bottom of my heart. Blessings

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